What’s that script doing

Found this script on some media hard drive….


IFS=$(echo "\n\b")
for f in *
  if [ ! -d "/media/usbdisk/kidz/$f" ]
  echo $(du -sh "$f")

Very curious why I left it there and what is was looking for.
IFS is the field splitting \n\b is….
\b = character
\n = newline

ok that’s just to avoid splitting on a space, file names with a space…..
learnt something from myself from the past.

copied from knilluz.buurnet.nl

tar inpakken en weer uitpakken

create tar (with gz)

tar cvfz /home/knilluz/file.tgz /home/knilluz/test

everything in dir ~/test will be compressed in ~/file.tgz
(c create; v verbose; f archive filename; z gzip)

unpack a tar (tgz)

tar xvfz /home/knilluz/file.tgz

(x extract; v verbose; f archive filename; z unzip through gzip)

Really don’t mix up the x’s and the c’s. Bad things will happen. Really bad things. Very Really bad things. Terrible.

This was perviously posted on my ‘old’ site knilluz.buurnet.nl.