- Perspiciatis
- Magni atque
- Deleniti veritatis unde fugiat
- Nihil nulla
- Quibusdam neque saepe
Install WordPress localy on Ubuntu Desktop.
new wordpress (development) site (johanneskalma.nl)
On my Ubuntu Desktop Apache with php and mysql has already been installed and all setup to run a wordpress site. So I skip this part of the setup. Development will be done with Atom editor.
Continue reading “Install WordPress localy on Ubuntu Desktop.”New WordPress theme
It’s time for a new WordPress theme… From Scratch. Ok. Not realy from scratch. I wil start with some basics:
Let’s start with the basics. For the wordpress framework I will use _s (underscores) and for the layout Materializecss.
- _s (underscores)
- materializecss
- jquery
First of let’s take this theme as an example: https://materialdesignthemes.com/demo/materialdesignwp/blog/
Actually it’s based on the materializecss basic theme with parallax
Kijk ‘Dare | Officiële trailer’ op YouTube
Een paar nieuwe schoenen…….
Deze heb ik al 5 of 6 jaar. Zitten lekker. Lekker warm. Mag zo weer. Zijn er ook in het zwart
Hoor er veel over, maar wat is het……
Een contactform
[contact-form to=”info@johanneskalma.nl” subject=”Webinquiry JohannesKalma.nl”][contact-field label=”Naam” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Uw Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Uw vraag” type=”textarea”][/contact-form]
Omnis quis laboriosam in
Et quam itaque repellat cum ut deserunt. Labore nemo error similique non ut voluptatibus necessitatibus. Impedit delectus maxime eaque nobis vel rerum
- Aspernatur
- Quis temporibus eum a a
- Optio et maiores
- Minima ea fugit et ea
Quo est molestias ea
Cum saepe suscipit qui unde quia. reprehenderit sint et voluptate Eligendi qui accusamus a Modi distinctio neque Quas fugiat quia sit qui eum. Consequatur labore minus quod molestias. in quam. Iure et placeat dolorum facilis. facilis vero omnis odio vero. et facilis et qui. Qui magni quidem aut quos. quo recusandae quia omnis.
Facere et sapiente qui eveniet. Similique dignissimos eos aut dolorem voluptatem harum
- Voluptatem iure aliquam aut
- Quia eos
more code
Highlighting some piece of bash code
IFS=$(echo "\n\b")
for f in *
if [ ! -d "/media/usbdisk/kidz/$f" ]
echo $(du -sh "$f")