Install WordPress localy on Ubuntu Desktop.

new wordpress (development) site  (

On my Ubuntu Desktop Apache with php and mysql has already been installed and all setup to run a wordpress site. So I skip this part of the setup. Development will be done with Atom editor.

  • Setup MySql.
    • I use phpMyAdmin to add a new database:
    • Because of the local nature, I don’t care about ‘security’, therefor a user johannes has been created which is granted everything possible on the database.
  • Now it’s time to install wordpress according to these steps:
    • create dir /var/www/html/
    • cd /var/www/html/
    • wget
    • tar xvfz latest.tar.gz
    • mv wordpress/* .
    • rmdir wordpress
    • rm latest.tar.gz
  • Initial setup of WordPress.
    • Open chrome with url http://localhost/
    • First page asks to choose your language. I choose the default: English (United States)
    • Next screen asks to setup the database connections
    • Run the Install
    • Final part is setup a site Title (in my case johannes kalma (dev theme)) an a username/password to log in WordPress. Press the Install button
      WordPress has now been setup.

Let’s start developing.